New and Recently Graduated Dentists Consultations

New and Recently Graduated Dentists Consultations

New Dentist Program! Dental CPA In California One of the major foundations to be successful as a professional is to START WELL! As Dental CPAs in California and a go to professionals for dentists with financial and career questions, we see many dentists that seek our help because of some issues or complications, and we…

Financial Assessment Of A Dental Practice:
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Financial Assessment Of A Dental Practice:

Depending on initial assessment, I ask for some very basic financial information to start due diligence for office on Buyer’s behalf.   The procedures will/might be expanded to include additional tests of details in case areas are discovered that need further analysis. I actually assed a low risk after reviewing the initial information provided, and asked…

Dental CPA Services In California
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Dental CPA Services In California

Dental CPA Accounting and Tax Services In Los Angeles Fazel Mostashari, California Dental CPA located in Los Angeles is an experienced dental CPA firm providing unique accounting and tax services for dentists in California. We’ll develop a specific package of dental accounting services including profit coaching, tax planning strategies, cash flow management, and bench marking….

How Does 2018 Tax Reform Affect Dentists?
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How Does 2018 Tax Reform Affect Dentists?

Please see below a short list of areas that will affect your personal and dental business taxes by the new tax law. Please contact our office to schedule a meeting as early as possible to start the tax planning process. A.            Beginning Jan. 1, individual dentists are now allowed to deduct up to 20 percent…

Don’t Buy A Dental Office Before Reading This!
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Don’t Buy A Dental Office Before Reading This!

Buying or selling a dental practice might be the single biggest decision of your professional career. This task requires a mix of financial and non-financial information such as local customs. As a husband of a dentist and a financial professional, I have been constantly asking buyers, sellers, brokers, banks and other lenders, CPAs and any…